Thursday, April 20, 2017

Times of refreshing

If we're being honest, I told myself that this wouldn't be a spiritual blog. But if we're still being honest, everything in my life is spiritual. The purpose for everything I do is really all for God. And it would be a shame if I didn't share that. So while this blog is a place where I hope you can connect with my story and be inspired to live a more bold and soulful life, I also hope it's a place that points you right back to God.

With the semester ending I feel like a lot of people are stressed out. I get it. We have school, life, and/or jobs. It can be a lot!! But I want to remind you that even when you have a lot due, activities all weekend, and 5 meetings a day, you can still be okay.

"...that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord..." Acts 3:20

So right now, take a few seconds to breathe. Drink some water. Pray. And keep going. 

You've got this!


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